This is a great place to find the answers to most of the questions you may have. If you do not find the answers you are looking for please Click Here and send us your question Or simply give us a call
All the other companies ONLY offer marketing services. We too offer marketing services, and much much more. All the other companies try to upsell you services you may not need, we include everything for one flat fee. The other companies, all of them, sell your information to realtors. We NEVER sell your information to anyone.There is no other company like ours, that offers what we do for one flat price of $399. Yes we will market your home. If someone is looking for a home in your area, they will find your home. We send you a yard sign as well. We help you make appointments with only buyers that can prove they are qualified, accept and vet offers, we help you stay on top of the transaction once you are in contract and much more.
Everything we do. We do not offer any other service but what is outlined on the "what we do" page. You will never be asked to buy anything else. You will never be up sold to pay for something else. And your information is never ever sold to a realtor looking to collect commission from you.
90% of all buyers begin their search for a home online. When they search for a home they will end up on a popular real estate search engine like Zillow, Tulia, Hot pads etc. We post your home, your photos, your description, your contact info on those sites. That is how someone will find your home is for sale. Once they decide they are interested, they are directed to your property's website where they begin the process we have created on vetting buyers and realtors to make sure you are not wasting your time and to perform all the wonderful things we do. Along with your property's website address is also your phone number not ours. If someone wants to send an email to the owner, it will come to you not us. We make sure anyone interested can reach you directly. Ideally you want them to go to your website to start the process we have in place in order to "weed out" or "filter" those interested to those whom are qualified. This saves you literally hours of your time. The yard sign we send you has your property's website on it, so if someone is driving by they will see the sign and know how to get more info.
When someone signs up on your property's website you are notified. If someone visits your page, and simply looks at pictures, reads the description, etc, you are not notified. Why? Selling your home in todays market will mean lots of phone calls from those whom are not qualified to buy your home and realtors with no clients, they simply want you to list with them. Our goal is to weed out the time wasters. We make sure you speak with those who can prove they are qualified to buy your home. Saving you hours of time. Maybe months if you sign a contract with someone whom is not qualified.
No we do not. You decide what your home should sell for. We make sure everyone looking for a home in your area knows your home is for sale. And we do alot more, making sure you deal with only qualified buyers, making appointments, vetting offers, following up after the contract is signed and much more.
Yes we do. It is included in the $399 fee.
Your home is posted and listed on many of the popular real estate search engines such as Zillow, Trulia, Hot Pads and 100's of more sites. Depending on your area there maybe local real estate search engines that are not owned by a realtor or realtor group that we can post your home on. Your property's website is also optimized to show up in google searches as well.
This company was created by real estate brokers with over 20 years of combined experience selling homes. We are a people driven company that automated many aspects of the sales process for those experienced savvy sellers to sell their home on their own. We created a business process that acts as a virtual assistant, performing many of the functions needed to sell a home. Our service will save literally hours of a sellers time. Our "What we do" page lists the number of services we perform for one flat fee.
OwnersRE is not a real estate agent or real estate broker. We do not perform any tasks that would require a license or be considered an action that requires a license. We are a tool for those savvy sellers, those who can sell their home on their own to use.
Please check your spam or junk folder. If not there please call us at 888-228-4009.
We never sell your information to anyone. Period. From time to time a vendor will have a product we find meaningful to those whom use our platform. In these cases WE send you ONE email with information about the vendor and why we think it is useful. We do this so that you are not on some list that is sold over and over again turning your inbox into a junk folder.
No you do not. All appointments, questions, and offers are emailed and text to you with a follow up phone call. You only need to log into our systems to enter, update, or change the DNA of your property.
We cannot. Filling out documents is considered performing a duty that only a licensed realtor or attorney can help you with.
If your state has pre approved forms, we have them and provide them free of charge. However if your state does not then we would only be able to direct you to an attorney or title company to obtain those documents.
Between 24 to 48 hours from the time payment is made.
Typically 48 hours. However Zillow as a verification process each seller must go through to post a home on their site. So once we enter the listing on their site they will call you the seller and telephonically confirm you want your home to be listed for sale. This process can be as short as a few hours and as long as 2 days. We have no control or influence over this process. It is Zillow's way of making sure they provide accurate data.
24 to 48 hours.
If you are having trouble uploading your photos, no worries Greg can take care of that. Email the photos to He will resize them for you. Please remember to put in the property address.
No problem. Greg can take care of that for you. Just email them to Remember to put in the property address.
You can edit anything you want, change the price, change photos as many times as you like. There are no fees for this and you can do it whenever you like.
All appointments are made by telephone, text messaging, and emails. Don't worry we will reach out until we get you. Once the appointment is set, if more than 24 hours advance notice is given you, will get a telephone call, text message, and email confirming the appointment and who is coming.
Yes we confirm all appointments with both you the seller and the buyer a few hours in advance by telephone, text message, and email.
You will receive a call and a text message that you were emailed an offer. In the email will be the offer, the buyers info, and the pre approval documents provided. We verify all pre approval documents that are provided by the buyer and email that to you as well.
Yes we do. There are basically two types of pre approval documents. One is a pre approval letter from a lender. The other is a bank statement showing enough money in the bank. For pre approval documents we contact the loan officer whom issued the pre approval letter to verify certain aspects of the pre approval to make sure it is valid. Too often pre approvals are issued without validating the information provided by the buyer. You want a solid pre approval letter where we can speak to the person whom issued it. If someone provides a bank statement as proof of funds we forward that to you for your inspection that it has sufficient funds.
Yes however we do it a little differently. We ask the buyers to provide us what they are looking for, where, and their budget. We then match them with propertys in our database. The buyer will receive an email of the property websites to visit.
No. offers only homes listed by realtors or those whom want to pay a real estate commission. It is our experience that buyers don't use only one search engine to look for homes but several. We will make sure you get plenty of exposure. If someone is looking for a home in your area, they will find your home.
No. The MLS is where realtors share their listings with other realtors. Being listed on an MLS means you are paying a realtor a fee.
When you enter your listing, there is a box for your to enter either a percentage or dollar amount for the real estate commission. If you do not want to pay any commission to a realtor simply put "0". When a realtor signs up, and only a realtor, the amount of commission you are willing to pay is delivered to them. This will save you hours of your time telling each realtor that calls you how much commission you are willing to pay.
When you enter the listing there is a field for your to enter the commission amount in dollars or as a percentage of the sales price. When a realtor signs up, and only a realtor, the amount of commission you are willing to pay is delivered to them. This will save you hours of your time telling each realtor that calls you how much commission you are willing to pay.