We Are Here To Help You Every Step Of The Way

Outstanding Responsive Caring Customer Service

Our greatest asset is undoubtedly our people. We're a people-centric company that leverages technology to fulfill our mission of assisting you in selling your home without a realtor. We genuinely care, striving to ensure that everyone using our services feels like our sole customer. With our experience and expertise in selling homes, we're here for you, just a phone call or email away.

Post Your Home For Sale All Over The Internet Including Zillow And Trulia.

Sell your home without a realtor! We'll showcase your property across popular platforms like Zillow and Trulia, ensuring it reaches potential buyers in your area. No MLS bypass the middleman and save thousands of dollars. Don't let your contact information get buried; we prioritize direct connections between you and buyers. Avoid paying 5% - 6% real estate commission, and negotiate from a stronger position. Sell smarter, keep your equity.

Easy To Install Yard Sign.

This easy to install yard sign is mailed to the property. It is true that virtually all buyers start their search for a home on the internet. However yard signs offer 3 things.
It lets all those in your area know your home is for sale. Many times neighbors will let family and friends know about a home being listed for sale.
It also will have the website for all interested to go to. And on this website will be our unique one of a kind sign up process that only lets serious buyers and realtors with clients get through to you.
It serves as a sign for those whom made an appointment or come for your open house know this is the right home that is for sale.
This is what the yard sign looks like.

Your Property Website.

We provide you with a website for just your property. This website displays the photos the listing information and all of the properties DNA. This website is also overlayed with our business logic that makes sure only serious qualified buyers or realtors with buyer clients get through to you.

Wherever your home is listed, like on Zillow, along with all of your contact information will be a link to your properties website. The yard sign we provide directs all interested parties to your property’s website.

If an interested party, that is a buyer or realtor, have a question, want to make an appointment, or make an offer they will sign up and sign in. If you're offering commission to a buyers real estate agent, it's exclusively shared with them, not disclosed to buyers without a realtor. This sets us apart from competitors who list on the MLS, where commission details are shared on public platforms like Zillow. Listing with us ensures that only realtors are privy to commission information. To maintain a focus on serious buyers, we require proof of pre-approval or funds for appointments, questions, or offers.

All communication, including questions, offers, and appointment requests, is conveniently emailed and texted directly to you—no need to log into our systems or download an app. We even follow up with a call to ensure everything is received and to address any questions you may have.

Experience the convenience firsthand by signing up for free to sample your property website. Enter your property's DNA and take the first step in selling your home without a realtor.

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Schedule Appointments.

We like doing things the personal way, especially when it comes to scheduling appointments. Sure, there are fancy apps out there, but in real estate, a little personal touch goes a long way. When someone calls to set up an appointment, we make sure they're serious by checking if they have the green light—pre-approval or proof of funds.
After that, we double-check with you about the day and time. We also give you a heads up one hour before the appointment so you don't waste your time. And here's the cool part: after appointment, we check in again to see if there's any feedback. It's just our way of making sure everything goes smoothly for you!

Qualify Each Offer.

Whenever we receive an offer in real estate, we go through a careful process to ensure it's from a credible buyer who can close the deal. If it's a cash offer, we ask for proof of funds, like a bank statement or a contract of sale if they're selling their home. We verify the details of the property being sold.
For those opting for a mortgage, we require a pre-approval. We reach out to the loan officer and ask specific questions to assess the strength of the pre-approval. We check if it was obtained online or if someone actually reviewed credit and financial documents. The results of this vetting process are then shared with you to help evaluate the offer.

Help Deciding Which Offer To Accept.

In today's market, it's normal for sellers to get many offers. If you're not sure which one to pick and want our advice, our team is trained to look at different things to figure out the best offer. We'll help you choose the one that suits you and your situation the most.

Help You Stay On Top of The Transaction.

Getting the buyer to sign the contract and give a down payment is truly only the initial steps to selling your home. If the buyer is getting a mortgage they must apply, in some cases have an appraisal, and then comply with the lenders conditions in the mortgage approval before a closing will take place.Further as the seller you have several things you need to do such as getting payoff letters for open mortgages, pack up your belongings, and preparing to leave your home. We help create a list of milestones each party to your transaction has to complete and we follow up with all parties to make sure they are doing their part to close the deal.

Tons of Resources.

The main resource we offer is us. This company was formed by Real Estate brokers with over 20 years experience. We know that selling your home is a big deal and we are here each step of the way.
* We have videos on how to:
* Prepare your home for sale
* How to hold an open house
* How to price your home
* How to write a description
* How to manage multiple offers And much more. Visit our resources page by clicking here.
* We are also can help you with the forms you need.
* We also review each listing posted with us to see if there are any suggestions to improve the listing.
* We are a phone call away. Call us and see how we can help you.

Updating All Listings.

After the closing, we ensure that every place where your home was listed for sale is updated to reflect its closed status. We understand that one of the biggest frustrations for sellers is receiving calls from realtors and buyers after the closing because the listing still shows the home as available.

Referral To Title Company or Real EstateAttorney.

If you've accepted an offer or have specific real estate questions related to your area, we're part of a network with Title Companies and Real Estate Attorneys that we can connect you with. Reach out to us at In the subject line, mention your city and state, and in the email, let us know if you need a referral for an attorney or title company. You can also ask your question directly, and we'll refer you to someone local.

Here Are Some Property Features:

  • Easy to install Yard Sign.
  • Schedule appointments.
  • Help deciding which offer to accept.
  • Qualify each offer.
  • Referral to title company or real estate attorney.
  • Updating all listings after you have closed.
  • Help you stay on top of the transaction after contract to make sure all parties are doing their part to close.
  • Tons of resources to help you sell your home, such as how to price your home, how to hold an open house, how to manage multiple offers, and how to prepare your home for sale.